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Key Takeaways

  • Recognize the signs of burnout early on to prevent it from worsening. Don't ignore overwork symptoms, as they can negatively impact your well-being and productivity.
  • Set clear and achievable goals with your supervisor to avoid working overtime. Use tools that track your progress and prevent supervisors from manipulating your workload.
  • Use project management platforms to objectively track your professional and personal growth. Concrete data will give you a better overview of your efforts and help you feel more satisfied in your career.

With the normalization of stress in the modern workplace, it’s easy to mistake burnout for regular tiredness. Most professionals only notice overwork symptoms that drastically affect their well-being. However, even minute warning signs could become extreme physical, mental, and psychological fatigue if left ignored.

You must make proactive decisions to cope with burnout. Although you can’t eradicate it, effective workplace systems and healthy habits mitigate the impact of stress.

1. Watch Out for Signs That You’re Headed For Burnout

Two Businesswomen Having Professional Discussion at Work

The first step to overcoming burnout is acknowledging it. Most people disregard the symptoms of overwork and exhaustion because they need to make a living. They’ll power through long and taxing days, rather than take time off from work. Coincidentally, enduring fatigue impairs focus and prevents you from performing your best, thus hurting your overall productivity.

A lack of self-awareness stems from biases and emotions. To view yourself objectively and recognize the signs of exhaustion, check online resources gauging your burnout level. They’ll help you identify which stressors affect you the worst.

2. Set Clear, Feasible Goals to Avoid Working Overtime

The lack of clear, feasible KPIs at work perpetuates unnecessary overtime. Managers won’t know how much workload their team can handle unless they quantify productivity ratings. They might assign too many tasks by accident. Likewise, exploitative employers could deliberately skip KPI trackers to prevent workers from justifying overtime hours.

Set quantified, feasible goals with your supervisor to avoid uncompensated work. Make sure these tasks align with your job description and support long-term projects but are achievable within your work hours. Also, use tools that automate KPI tracking. Look for platforms that quantify your tasks and log your hours—that way, shady supervisors can’t manipulate your accomplished deliverables.

3. Use Project Management Platforms to Track Your Progress

Sample Tasks and Cards on Trello Web App
Image Credit: Mbreyter/Wikimedia Commons

The lack of data skews your perception of progress, thus making you feel frustrated. People tend to overlook gradual changes and undermine their growth. You need an objective, tangible way to track your milestones; otherwise, you’ll keep thinking your ambitions are unattainable.

Gain better insights into your professional and personal growth by tracking your goals with a dedicated project management app. They go far beyond employee monitoring. You can record your daily tasks, emotions, accomplishments, milestones, and challenges, among other elements contributing to career satisfaction. Concrete data gives you a better overview of your cumulative efforts.

4. Record Instances of Workplace Bullying and Abuse

Demo of Employee Monitoring Tool Called Controlio With Employee Data

Bullying and abuse contribute to workplace burnout. Unnecessary stress in a hostile environment can make employees feel helpless. What’s worse is victims rarely get enough support to file complaints. A Business Insider report shows that 77 percent of workers witness workplace harassment yet avoid speaking up and defending victims.

To avoid these incidents, ask your supervisors about gathering evidence through employee monitoring tools. These track employee activity during work hours. You won’t have to rely on eyewitness reports once you have enough evidence of a coworker’s abusive behavior—just go straight to your HR department.

5. Organize Your Thoughts in Note-Taking Apps

Forcing yourself to remember various pieces of information, whether for work or personal affairs, causes unnecessary stress. The human memory is prone to errors. You’ll miss deadlines, forget minute details, and work inefficiently if you wholly rely on it.

Use note-taking apps to organize your thoughts instead. Start by tracking your daily tasks on your phone’s notepad or to-do list; categorize them based on relevance. For instance, all work tasks could go in one list. As you get better at tracking tasks, you could explore advanced programs that will serve as your second brain, e.g., Obsidian. Offloading task management frees up your brain for other critical tasks.

6. Incorporate Meditation Sessions Throughout Your Workday

Following Breathing Exercises on Headspace Meditation App

Anxiety is a normal human emotion that’s impossible to eliminate. The best approach is to manage its symptoms—learn to let negative thoughts come and go instead of fixating on them. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed at times, but your mental and psychological well-being will deteriorate if you’re in a constant state of uneasiness.

To reduce work-related anxiety attacks, use guided meditation apps for brief sessions. You’ll find it easier to focus and work efficiently after spending even five minutes practicing mindfulness exercises.

7. Connect with More Like-Minded Individuals

Isolation magnifies the loneliness that comes with burnout. People tend to dwell on pessimistic thoughts and overthink problems when they spend too much time working alone. Negative biases skew personal perspectives. And without third-party insights to correct internal stressors, they’ll keep adding to the mental and emotional stress of overworking.

Remember: you’re not alone in feeling burned out at work. Chances are some of your colleagues share similar sentiments, especially if they’re facing the same stressors. You might feel better after talking to them for a bit. Ask how they cope with fatigue, talk about shared issues, and if you’re close enough, vent your frustrations.

Consider talking to strangers online if you’re uncomfortable confiding in people you know. Several apps will anonymously connect you with strangers who’ll lend an ear and listen to your troubles.

8. Open Yourself to New Job Opportunities

Woman Looking for Jobs on Indeed on her Computer

If your job still causes excessive stress despite your burnout management routine, consider exploring other career opportunities. You might perform better in a different environment. Look for employers in your industry that offer flexible work models and let employees choose their preferred setups. Working 9-to-5 desk jobs in a cramped office is no longer mandatory.

And please go beyond widely known platforms like Indeed or LinkedIn. There are lesser-known job search sites that offer as many quality listings—you just need to broaden your options. You could even cross-check prospective employers on these platforms.

While switching companies lets you leverage salary retention and matching offers, doing it too often hurts your employability. Many hiring managers see job hopping as a red flag.

Stay Happy and Productive at Work by Overcoming Workplace Burnout

Work-related stressors are inevitable. Regardless of your role, company, or industry, you’ll encounter various internal and external factors that cause stress. You can’t eliminate them from your professional life.

The best approach is to build mental toughness through sustainable habits and efficient systems. Let stressors occur without allowing them to affect you. Commit to multiple routines that address these issues instead of fretting over things beyond your control. Just focus on what you can do today.