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Ugh, pests! They creep, crawl, and buzz their way into our homes, often leaving chaos behind them and causing frustration and discomfort. You're in the right place if you’ve exhausted every internet tip and tried countless commercial traps with little success.

We’ve gathered eight ingenious DIY traps for common household pests. From an Arduino-based mousetrap to an automatic rat trapper, you can say goodbye to the agony of cohabiting with these unwanted critters by building one of these DIY devices.

1. Arduino Mouse Trap

Rats are no doubt the peskiest of all pests. They’ll eat through your cords, clothes, and pantry supplies and even nibble on you if given the chance. Add in the odor, the stains, and the diseases they transmit, and it’s tempting to resort to drastic measures to eliminate them.

Regardless of how vexing they are, rats are still living creatures, and surprisingly intelligent ones. So, while you might want to do the worst, you should consider humanely removing them. This Instructables project guides you through creating a humane, Arduino-powered mousetrap. It offers a kinder alternative to traditional traps by catching mice without harming them.

2. Critter Twitter Trap

Critter Twitter Trap
Image Credit: Siliconghost/Instructables

Havahart traps are some of the most humane pest traps around. They capture critters without harm. But there’s a catch: if you don’t release the trapped pest, it may suffer and die from starvation, dehydration, or anxiety. That beats the humane logic, right? Thankfully, the DIY critter Twitter trap showcased in this Instructables guide provides a clever solution.

This innovative trap, built using an Arduino Yun microcontroller board and a few readily available supplies, takes pest control to a new level. It triggers real-time Twitter/X notifications when the trap is activated and allows you even remotely monitor what’s happening.

3. Automatic Rat Trapper

Can’t afford a Havahart pest trap but want to be as humane as possible in getting rid of those pesky rats or rodents wreaking havoc on your home? Build the DIY automatic rat trapper featured in this project.

Made using an IR sensor, Arduino microcontroller board, micro servo, and a couple of other components, this smart rat trap detects the presence of a rat, lures it in with bait, and then swiftly and safely traps it without causing harm.

4. Z-Wave Mousetrap

Want another take on a geeky mousetrap? Build the Z-wave mousetrap showcased in this guide. It capitalizes on Z-wave, a wireless communication network used in residential and commercial building automation. It is paired with a Samsung SmartThings hub to detect the mouse’s presence and trigger the trap, trapping the pesky rodent until you release it.

5. IoT Mouse-Friendly Live Trap

If the last two options didn’t tickle your fancy, we’ve got another ingenious take on a humane trap: the IoT trap. It harnesses the power of IoT (Internet of Things) technology to create a live trap that captures mice and ensures their well-being.

Using various components, including a microcontroller, infrared sensors, and a Wi-Fi module, this trap detects the presence of a mouse, triggers the door to close, and then sends you real-time notifications on your smartphone. Check out the DIY steps in this guide to build one.

6. RaspiTrap V1.0

While normal rat traps are great, they take up too much space and are undoubtedly a sore sight. But, as proven by the RaspiTrap pantry pests trap in this guide, you don’t have to settle on an unsightly one.

Based around a Raspberry Pi, it features a pretty awesome design. Additionally, it’s equipped with a camera, infrared motion sensor, and a motorized door; this means it can detect the presence of a mouse, capture it safely, snap a picture, and then notify you in real time via email! This allows you to release the captured mouse without harm and at your convenience.

7. Venus Flytrap

With its captivating ability to catch and consume insects, the Venus flytrap has long fascinated nature enthusiasts and curious minds alike. If you have a fly problem in your household and have always wanted to emulate this remarkable plant's carnivorous behavior, construct the DIY Venus flytrap showcased in this Instructables project.

The project does involve building your own electronic circuit board from individual components, so it’s not the easiest, but it is rewarding. You’ll witness the captivating interactions between your DIY Venus flytrap and its unsuspecting prey while gaining a deeper appreciation for the real Venus flytrap plant.

If you’re a content creator, this is one of the awesome DIY projects that you can build and post on social media to amuse your followers.

8. UV Light Trap for Insect Collecting

UV Light Trap for Insect Collecting
Image Credit: ValleR1/Instructables

Always out camping and need an effective way to keep the bugs at bay? Live in an insect-infested area and looking for an affordable and efficient way to keep your home insect-free? If you answered yes to either of both of these questions, you will love the UV light trap for pests featured in this Instructables guide.

The trap is designed to attract insects by mimicking the ultraviolet light emitted by flowers, which many nocturnal insects are naturally drawn to. Once the insects are attracted to the trap, you can trash them later or collect them for your kid’s science class or scrapbook.

This UV trap runs on a 12V battery and features three switches: the left switch to keep it on throughout until the battery is fully drained; the middle switch, which turns it off; and the right switch, which only runs the trap if the battery’s voltage is above the cutoff level. The left switch comes in handy when you’re out camping and need to keep the mosquitoes at bay, while the right switch is ideal to stretch the battery life.

If you’re planning to go camping, and you’re looking for DIY technology and tips to enhance your outdoor experience, you can build and carry this trap.

Take Control of Your Household Again Using DIY Pest Traps

Household pests can quickly make your home uncomfortable. If you’ve exhausted all your options trying to eliminate them with no success, you should take matters into your own hands and design an effective DIY trap.

The eight DIY pest traps detailed above should help you in your quest. Whether dealing with rodents, insects, or other household pests, these projects offer humane and effective solutions to keep your living space pest-free.