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If you're expecting a baby, congratulations. You're about to embark on an adventure like no other. Pregnancy can be an overwhelmingly joyful yet confusing time, and this doesn't end when your baby is born. We have found some great Amazon Alexa skills that can help make sure your pregnancy is a positive experience, as well as some skills to help with your newborn when they arrive.

Here are our top Alexa skills for pregnancy and beyond.

1. Pregnancy Countdown

pregnancy countdown skill for alexa

Just say ''Alexa, ask Pregnancy Countdown for the size of my baby.''

Pregnancy Countdown is the ideal first skill for you to use to get acquainted with using Alexa as part of your pregnancy journey. You can ask Pregnancy Countdown what the size of your baby is and how many weeks you have left by setting your due date.

2. My Pregnancy from BabyCenter

My pregnancy from baby center skill for alexa

Just say, ''Alexa, ask My Pregnancy for my weekly update.''

My Pregnancy from BabyCenter counts down to your due date and can provide you with weekly, medically-reviewed updates about how your baby and body are changing.

Ask My Pregnancy for helpful tips, see incredible fetal development images (for Alexa devices with a screen), count down the weeks and days until your baby's birth and learn what to expect as your baby grows and your body changes, all in one place.

3. A Baby Quiz

A Baby Quiz Skill for Alexa

Just say, ''Alexa, open A Baby Quiz.''

A Baby Quiz is a great way for parents with a new baby (or for parents who have one on the way) to brush up on some baby knowledge and to have a little light-hearted fun whilst doing it. This Alexa skill covers a range of newborn baby topics from feeding and sleeping to health care and dressing your baby. The aim is to help new parents feel more confident when looking after their brand-new bundle of joy.

Each time you open the Skill, you will be asked four questions that all relate to taking care of your newborn baby. The skill has a bank of questions to ask so open the skill multiple times, and you will get a mixture of different types of questions. A Baby Quiz is designed to help you learn more about taking care of your newborn baby in a fun way that the whole family can get involved in.

4. Relaxing Music: Pregnancy Music

relaxing music pregnancy music skill for alexa

Just say ''Alexa, open Pregnancy Music.''

Put your feet up and allow Alexa to keep you and your baby relaxed and surrounded by soothing classical pregnancy music with the Relaxing Music: Pregnancy Music skill. You can't skip or select a track with this Skill, only launch, listen and enjoy.

5. Baby Names

baby names (1)

Just say, ''Alexa, start Baby Names.''

Choosing the perfect name for your baby can be a difficult decision, but Alexa can help you to decide using the Baby Names skill. You can switch between boy and girl names in groups of seven. If you want to listen to more or fewer names, just say, ''Alexa, give me 10 baby girl names'' or, ''Alexa, give me three baby boy names,'' and this Alexa skill will give you a selection of the hundreds of baby names it has to choose from.

6. The Positive Birth Company Affirmations

the positive birth company affirmations alexa skill

Just say, ''Alexa, open The Positive Birth Company Affirmations.''

The Positive Birth Company Affirmations Skills uses Hypnobirthing techniques to prepare you for the labor and birth of your baby, which focuses on empowerment and relaxation. Some affirmations are designed to be informative, so you feel prepared and knowledgeable about what to expect during the birth.

The affirmations are accompanied by soothing music to help you feel calm, in control, and relaxed, and they're played continuously as a whole track rather than one-off affirmations.

7. Baby Sound

baby sounds skill for alexa

Just say, ''Alexa, launch Baby Sound.''

Once your baby is born, take advantage of the Alexa skills that can help to calm your baby and get them to sleep. A great way to do this is by using sound. The Baby Sound skill plays a continuous hair dryer noise to help your baby feel relaxed. A hairdryer sound is a type of sound called white noise and is known to help babies settle down.

As your baby grows into a toddler there are more ways to use your Echo Device to get kids to sleep using other music-themed skills, audiobooks, or bedtime timers.

8. Baby Music

baby music alexa skill.

Just say, ''Alexa, launch Baby Music.''

If you want something a little more than just white noise, Baby Music has a selection of beautifully arranged lullabies and nursery rhymes that your little one can listen to when they're ready to sleep or to play. Choose a soothing lullaby to help them relax and drift off to sleep or play a nursery rhyme in the background as they play. The music features real instruments such as guitars, pianos, and drums.

The Skill is easy to use, just say, ''lullaby'' or, ''rhyme'' when the Skill is open to choose what kind of music you want to hear.

9. Joe Daddy

Joe daddy alexa skill

Just say, ''Alexa, launch JoeDaddy.''

JoeDaddy is a Skill created by a new dad, and its purpose is to help new parents feel confident in handling their baby. JoeDaddy offers excellent advice on how to calm your baby when they are crying, what to do when they have gas, and a cycle to go through when your baby is irritable, and you don't know what to do.

To get specific baby advice, just say, ''Alexa, ask JoeDaddy how I handle my crying baby'' or, ''Alexa, ask JoeDaddy what the cycle is.''

As your little one gets older you may not need JoeDaddy any longer but a way to use Alexa to manage your kid's routine by doing things like setting alarms and reminders or creating lists.

Alexa Skills for You and Your Baby

Pregnancy is an exciting time. And you can harness the power of Amazon Alexa and these great skills to have a positive impact on your parenting journey.