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Learning can be fun and easy with explainer videos. And quite frankly, explainer videos have become a popular medium for exploring a wide range of subjects. They combine engaging visuals, concise explanations, and engaging storytelling to simplify complex topics.

We’ve put together a list of YouTube channels notable for creating some exceptional explainer videos. If you’re interested in science, technology, philosophy, or just curious about the world, these channels have you covered.

1. Vox

Vox on YouTube feels like a personal tour guide, talking you through the major things happening around the world, from important news to global issues and even fascinating everyday events.

Vox essentially creates videos that tell you what's going on, why it matters, and what it means for you. It's like having a friendly expert explain things to you in a way that's easy to understand.

And there is, in fact, a team of experts and seasoned journalists behind the production of each nicely-animated video. So, if you want to stay informed and understand major socio-political issues without feeling overwhelmed, Vox is the perfect channel to dive into.

2. Veritasium

Derek Muller runs this cool YouTube channel that produces explainer videos, making science and engineering concepts super cool and easy to get into. It’s like having a cool science teacher who loves doing experiments and takes you on these fun adventures.

So, if you’ve ever been curious about how things work, from how the world looks like in ultraviolet light to what’ll happen if a star explodes near Earth. Veritasium does a deep dive into these types of science and engineering questions, leaving you better informed on the subject.

On this channel, Derek doesn’t just tell you stuff; he shows you. He sets up cool experiments and will even take you on some fun excursions just so you can see and appreciate science in action.

3. Big Think

There are many ways you can change your life right now; one is working on your mindset. Sometimes, you have little questions, thoughts, and ideas; Big Think brings on experts to help you make sense of these musings and ultimately offer you a new perspective.

From scientists to philosophers and great thinkers, each one of them unpacks a certain idea and provides a unique perspective that leaves you impressed or curious to learn more. Each video is like a mini-lecture that helps you explore these ideas in a way that just makes sense.

So, if you're someone who is curious about what gender really means or just keen on developing healthy habits that can help you become smarter, Big Think is the place to go. It's like attending a symposium of brilliant thinkers right from your screen.

4. Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

Imagine you're curious about black holes, the origins of consciousness, or the impact of climate change. Kurzgesagt takes these mind-boggling topics and turns them into visually stunning videos. With short animations featuring vivid bursts of colors, riveting storytelling, and a witty narrator, Kurzgesagt–In a Nutshell makes learning such an enjoyable experience.

They break down even complex concepts into easy-to-understand videos. As the title suggests, it gives you hard facts about science and biology in a nutshell. So, if you’re ever curious about molecular structures or just want to learn something new about your body and the cosmos, head over to its channel.

5. TED-Ed

You may have heard of TED Talks, a platform where speakers share ideas, stories, and innovations to enlighten and inspire the audience. TED-Ed is an off-shoot of that platform, designed to bring ideas to life in an even more engaging and enlightening format.

The animations are beautiful, short, and insightful. The channel provides useful educational resources for students, educators, and casual, lifelong learners. So, if you’re ever curious about how a car engine works or if it’s normal to talk to yourself, TED-Ed has an answer.

6. CrashCourse

CrashCourse is more like a digital classroom. They take complex topics from various disciplines, from history and science to literature and philosophy, and break them down into entertaining lessons. In this online environment, you have access to supplementary materials to help you understand a topic better.

It's an educational YouTube channel that's anything but boring, combining enthusiasm, humor, and expertise to offer a visually stimulating experience. The channel has something for everyone, whether you’re a student looking to learn, a teacher seeking engaging resources, or a curious mind thirsty for knowledge.

7. Cleo Abram

Fun fact: Cleo Abram left Vox to start her own independent production on YouTube. And on her channel, she takes you on a captivating journey into the world of science and technology. She’s really enthusiastic about helping viewers understand more about tech—perhaps more accurately, futuristic tech.

So, she explores cutting-edge developments in science and technology and shares that experience with her followers on YouTube and across her other social media accounts. She’s one of the unique voices online, actively contributing to the reasons why social media is actually good for you.

8. Real Engineering

If you’re ever fascinated by the engineering marvels that shaped our modern world, from the mechanics of an aircraft to the peculiar nature of space exploration, check out Real Engineering on YouTube.

This niche channel has an extensive catalog of well-crafted videos that take you on a deep dive into the inner workings of space, aviation, materials, and civil engineering.

YouTube Has Decentralized Learning

YouTube has made learning a lot easier for everyone. It's like a big library where lots of smart people share what they know. Whether it's the fascinating animations or enlightening insights, you have a wealth of knowledge at your disposal.

And the best part? It´s free. You can delve into virtually any subject you fancy without reaching for your wallet. With technological innovations like YouTube and the dedication of the hundreds of experts who work hard to produce these brilliant videos, you’ve got a huge world of knowledge right at your fingertips.