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You may have noticed that your Android phone automatically pops into Do Not Disturb mode every time you use Google Maps in a moving automobile. This is by design to keep you safe while driving.

Although it's possible to deactivate Do Not Disturb in Google Maps altogether as you putt-putt along the highway, you may want to think twice before deactivating it. Let's take a look at what you need to know.

Be Careful: Turning Off Do Not Disturb Can Lead To Distracted Driving

Missing notifications on the road while using Google Maps to navigate the highways and byways can be annoying. Especially if you don't know that it's happening behind the scenes. But it kicks in at the moment your phone detects you are in a moving vehicle to combat distracted driving.

If you think you're immune to distracted driving, come on, you're not a super-mutant. Distracted driving affects everyone.

In fact, a 2015 study entitled "The Attentional Cost of Receiving a Cell Phone Notification," published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, concluded that merely hearing the chime of a notification without any sort of context like who it's from or the nature of the message is enough to distract you from what the study calls "attention-demanding tasks."

But life happens. You can't always schedule your commute before or after receiving an important text or call. Turning off Do Not Disturb in these moments is understandable. If you must check your phone while driving, please, park (safely) on the side of the road or in a well-lit parking lot.

You also may want to consider using Google Assistant to stay focused on driving and forget about deactivating Do Not Disturb altogether. And with Do Not Disturb on your mind, consider customizing Do Not Disturb on Android to make it work for you.

How to Stop Google Maps From Activating Do Not Disturb While Driving

Warnings aside, you conveniently have two options to stop Do Not Disturb from automatically activating while driving in Google Maps: deactivating Do Not Disturb in Google Maps temporarily, or permanently. Let's look at how to do the former.

How to Temporarily Turn Off Do Not Disturb in Google Maps

Open Google Maps, then swipe down from the top of the screen to access your phone's Quick Settings menu. Tap Do Not Disturb to turn it off, thus allowing you to receive notifications while using the app.

If you leave the Google Maps screen but reopen it during the commute, your phone will be placed in Do Not Disturb once more, and you'll have to repeat the process.

How to Permanently Turn Off Do Not Disturb in Google Maps

For a more permanent approach, open Google Maps and tap your profile icon in the upper right corner. Select Settings > Navigation settings > Google Assistant settings. The slider next to the Driving Mode option will be activated, and you'll notice it is by the checkmark symbol. Tap the slider to deactivate Driving Mode.

The slider will now have a minus symbol. Going forward, your Android phone will not automatically go into Do Not Disturb when Google Maps notices you're in a moving vehicle.

Deactivating Driving Mode in Google Maps will remove all Google Assistant functionality within the app.

Be Mindful When Turning Off Do Not Disturb for Google Maps

Although this safety feature can be annoying, it's there for a good reason. If you must drive while waiting for an important text or call, you should always be extra attentive while waiting. The passengers in your car and the other drivers on the road are counting on you to keep them safe—don't let them down.