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Many people have a preferred web browser on their computer, but do you have a favorite mobile browser? iPhones come equipped with Safari, Samsung phones feature Samsung Internet as the default, and all Android phones offer Google Chrome. Do you stick with your phone's default browser, or do you switch to something else you like better? Tell us what you prefer!

The Default Browser Options

Google Chrome is by far the most popular smartphone browser—or at least, the browser that's on most people's phones—with about 58.67% of the market share. On many Android phones, Chrome is the default web browser. If you download another web browser to use as the default, you can disable Google Chrome on Android, but you can't permanently uninstall it.

Man Operating a Mobile Phone

With about 34.89% of the market share, the second most popular smartphone browser is Safari for iPhones. Again, this popularity estimate could very well be skewed because Safari is the default browser for iPhones and can't be uninstalled.

Samsung Internet, the default web browser for Samsung devices, follows far behind Google Chrome and Safari, with only 4.08% of the market share. Modern Samsung phones allow you to uninstall Samsung Internet, which could slightly skew the percentage difference between these three default browsers.

Other Smartphone Browser Apps

Default mobile browsers have certainly improved over the years, but sometimes people want a more niche browser. There are privacy-focused browsers for Android and iOS, like DuckDuckGo or Firefox, or even lightweight browsers for older Android phones.

A few of the most popular alternatives to default smartphone browsers include Opera, Brave, and Firefox. There are way too many fantastic alternatives to list as options in the poll, so if you don't see your favorite listed, select Other and let us know which browser you love the most in the comments!

Which Smartphone Browser Do You Prefer?

I've thought about switching my mobile browser multiple times, but I never end up doing it. I don't know if it's laziness or forgetfulness, but I'm still using the default Samsung Internet browser on my Galaxy S21 Ultra. I know the user interface like the back of my hand, and it's not ridden with ads.

But what about you? Did you stick with your phone's default browser, or switch it up and download something with extra features or more of a focus on privacy?