
Chioma Ibeakanma-

Chioma Ibeakanma

About Chioma Ibeakanma

Chioma is a passionate systems engineer and ethical hacker with a strong focus on security. With 4 years of experience in technical writing, she uses her skills to educate readers about security and Linux.

Through her writing, Chioma emphasizes the importance of cybersecurity best practices and provides practical tips on how to implement them. Her articles cover a range of topics including Linux administration, web application security, and penetration testing.

As a writer, Chioma is committed to breaking down complex security and Linux concepts into easy-to-understand language that readers can apply in their daily lives.

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How Are Cryptographic Oracles Vulnerable to Padding Oracle Attacks?

Cryptographic oracles can be great tools for hackers. Here's why.

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What Are Improper Error Handling Vulnerabilities?

Your app may be exposed to improper error handling vulnerabilities. Here's how.

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Why a Black Box Penetration Test Might Not Be the Right Choice for You

Many use black box pentests to assess their cybersecurity, but it has its faults. Here's where it falls short, and what you can do.

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The 5 Best Linux Tools for Directory Bursting

Looking for free-to-use tools to enumerate hidden directories and files on a web server? Here are the best Linux tools for directory bursting.

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The 4 Best Network Scanning and Enumeration Tools

The scanning and enumeration phase of penetration tests is vital, so what are the best free tools you can use to create this solid pentest foundation?

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How Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities Can Wreck Your Organization’s Security

You don't want your software to tell your attackers exactly where your weak spots are.

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5 Powerful Linux Tools to Discover Subdomains as an Ethical Hacker

If you're an ethical hacker, gathering information about the subdomains of a website is important. Here are some free Linux tools that will help you.

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What Is a Directory Traversal Attack and How Can You Prevent It?

You don't want an unwelcome visitor traversing through your server's filesystem, but attackers have found a way to pull this off. What can you do?

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How to Use the split Command to Split Text Files in Linux

Learn how to split a large file into multiple smaller files using the split command on Linux.

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What Is a Smurf Attack and How Can You Prevent It?

First carried out in 1998, a smurf attack can result in serious disruption to a website or service. Here's what you need to know.

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How to Transfer Files on a Network Using a Python Server on Windows

Forget the file sharing apps. Here's how to access files on multiple devices using a Python server on Windows.

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Why You See Ink in Your Broken Screen

Is your screen broken? It happens to the best of us. But wait, is your screen leaking ink? Is that even possible?

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What Is LLMNR Poisoning and How Can You Prevent It?

The Windows PCs connected to your local network could be vulnerable. Should you secure your LLMNR usage or do without the feature entirely?

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How to Quickly Check the System Uptime on Linux

Finding the system uptime for your Linux machine is easy. Here are four ways to do it.

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What Is a MAC Spoofing Attack and How Can You Prevent It?

A MAC is an identifier unique to your device, but even this can be used by hackers to attack you. Here's how.

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How to Install Nessus on Kali Linux

Nessus is a great vulnerability scanner with free and paid-for options. Here's how to download and start using Nessus on Linux.

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What Is DLL Hijacking and How Can You Prevent It?

DLL files are an important part of Windows, but they can also leave you open to hacking. Here's what you need to know.

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How to Use the less, more, and most Commands to Read Text Files in Linux

less, more, and most are three of the many terminal pagers every Linux user should learn to use.

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What Is the CIA Triad in Cybersecurity?

This triangle of principles must be adhered to in order to create a secure system within a company. So what exactly does the CIA triad mean?

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How to Use the wc Command in Linux

The wc command prints out the number of lines, words, characters, or bytes in a file or an output. Here's how you can use it to your advantage.

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